Starting with the ancient Babylonians 4,000 years ago, people have used this time of year to set resolutions for the coming year. Today, some research suggests that while only about 8% of people achieve the resolutions, that's still a tenfold improvement over people who don't explicitly set any sort of resolution at all!

Event Summary

Although having specific goals can make an enormous difference for individuals' lives, people rarely actually sit down to do it, because it is never urgent. The TITLE GOES HERE is designed to provide you with the structure, focus and support you need to develop powerful goals that will help you have the most productive year of your life (so far!)

During this online event you will:

  • Explore, factor and narrow in on your most important goals
  • Define and prioritize the milestones that you will encounter along the way
  • Develop the strategies and habits to stay motivated and on track
  • Plan and begin implementing your next steps

The intensive includes advance content so that you arrive ready to hit the ground running, instruction and coaching to support your goal crafting, and structured co-working so that at the end of the day you're all set to go!